digital signage

digital signage is any type of electronic page installed in public places that delivers advertising and information messages related to each business to the audience in a targeted manner at a specific time and place. The salient features of this type of digital signage can be the design and online control of the displayed content, including advertising photos and videos, public information such as: flight information, weather conditions, daily news, current exchange rates and metals or menu Restaurants and cinemas and… mentioned.
Digital signage refers to a signboard whose general structure is based on modules and pixels, therefore they have the ability to display any image or advertising message. Modules in full color form are able to display a variety of colors on the digital board. Digital signs include bulletin boards at airports, railways, terminals, conference halls and more, and digital signs that you can order as a sign in the shop LED sign, TV It is a city and a pixel board.

digital signage

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